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Public Pools

Depending on the specifics of the particular pool - from the temperature and the amount of water, the use and usual occupancy of the pool, the location of the pool (outdoor / indoor) and the target of the pool use the technology is chosen that will provide the required water quality. CHEWATEC proposes complete technology for public pools, taking into account all the factors that have impact on the pool application and the requirements the pool operator expects.

For simple hygienic security, the public pool proposes automatic remote monitoring systems that provide information to the operator as to whether adequate pool hygiene is ensured. If, for any reason, there is a reduction or fluctuation in the amount of disinfection in the pool, the operator is immediately informed and can take steps to secure it again. In this way, it is possible to eliminate situations and mistakes when water in the pool is not as required by the operator. At the same time, the operator is constantly aware of how the constant quality of water in the pool is maintained.

Technological equipment in our portfolio for use in the public pool segment:

  • Sand filters (manual, automatic)
  • UV systems (the goal may be disinfection or destruction of total chlorine)
  • Ozone systems (disinfection or oxidation target)
  • Automatic dosing systems for disinfection dosage
  • Chlorinators for on-site chlorine production
  • Membrane filtration